Find life experiences and
swallow them whole.
Meet many people.
Go down some dead ends and
explore dark alleys.
Try everything.
Exhaust yourself
in the glorious pursuit
of life!

For the majority of people who can dream, Bucket Lists begin with places to go that might seem impossible at the time, but still reasonably doable. My list is no exception, although TIBET is the place that I want to visit above all others, having already been to the places I’ve wanted to go for the most part. However, a good portion of my list is about learning to do things. This would involve being able to commit the time and effort to learn and use them for my own personal satisfaction.

I took a kind of unplanned sabbatical from life in general for 10+ years, and while I was doing that, there were valuable insights the I learned about myself from the experiences that I “absorbed,” and I wouldn’t have learned those otherwise. NOTHING is a waste, and all that comes into our lives can be a lesson if we learn to stop in the middle of all of it and really look. I am reminded of a special friend who died a while ago. He managed to do everything that he wanted to do before he passed without even thinking about it! He is one of the lucky ones.

My list will be posted here soon!