With everything that comes up between us,
It isn’t easy to accept that we are all one.
Katie P on her 80th B-day
I got up this morning, looked in the mirror, and thought my 96-year-old mom had escaped from the nursing home.   Yep, there she was in my favorite jeans and old Stones t-shirt, and all I could think of was that they would be ruined in literally seconds since she always waits until the last minute to use the bathroom, which is always too late.   Getting old really sucks big time for all of us!
Mom and Dad on Roberts Road
I was lucky; I had parents who took care of me, watched out for me, and did the best that they could given what they had to work with (me). They contributed to many happy memories of moments in time. I will write more about it all later, because I have to get my thoughts in order for this part.
(Unidentified Father Object)
Sometimes I think I smell
your cigars, and then,
I think I see you walking
down a well-paved street,
only to catch a glimpse
of your profile, or
the back of your hat.
I always think I see you,
but I know it can’t be,
because I saw you
being lowered into
the ground securely in
your ’reserved’ spot
at Greenlawn.
But today, it was a
and you were smiling,
like all of this was
some sort of
cruel joke.
(For Dad, 7/11/1910 - 2/11/1985)
©JILLY 1990
My mother’s a perfect “94”
With that old lady smell,
Mixed in with Shalimar and
Generous sprays of all
The samples on the
Department store counters.
She spends her days
Staring into space
Thinking about a past
That’s as clear as a bell, but
Hardly noticing the present, and
Unable to visualize any future.
She sits and waits
For the only thing
She expects.
(For Mom, 10/27/1914 - )
©JILLY 1999
I had a friend, dead now (cardiac arrest), that I suspect allowed herself to be ‘theoretically’ killed by her relatives. It was her husbands’ that did it, but while she was running around trying to please that side of it, her side gave her guilt trips by demanding equal time. I just watched and listened, so I was no help, not that if I had, it would have been heard. (I was not as ‘verbal’ as I am now, if you can imagine that.)
I can’t confirm the exact part of it that got her, but this relative thing went very deep. I strongly suspect that the last straw had something to do with his mother’s sister’s 2nd cousin’s former roommate’s daughter by her 3rd marriage...really, it was that bad! The husband remarried a few years after she died, and I have it on good authority that his present wife doesn’t do much of anything of a ‘domestic’ nature, but more important, that also includes the relative crap. Smart woman!
All people are your relatives,
therefore expect only trouble from them.
I have some dear married friends that concern me; they are some of the ones that hang on, whether it be religious issues, duty, guilt, fear, you name it, they’ve got it, and they are miserable to the point of despising the very existence of their other half. They hide their despondency by busying themselves so they don’t have to think about it, but at the end of the day, surely they feel it. I don’t get it, but then I am one of those self-centered spoiled brats who doesn’t balk at taking care of myself FIRST...Because, (another saying), “if mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy.” Does it scare me to be so? Yes, sometimes it scares the hell out of me to think that I have to depend on just me to get through, but I do it, and I’m still here, and it is OK.
WOMEN vs MEN vs WOMEN vs MEN vs . . .
I don’t hate men; I like them. They seem to be a confused lot, but it’s no wonder with all of the bra-burning and women’s rights being shouted about. (I just dated myself, but that is where it started.) My reasons for hooking up with any of those that I did were misguided, and I am responsible for that. Looking back at all of it, after all of the dust has settled in my mind, I am not sure that I ever really loved any of the ones that I said I did. I have come to the conclusion that I have never had a good grasp of the concept of what love really is in the man/woman sense of it. I think I confused lust and obsession with love, and that can be so easy to do for everyone when they are in the middle of it. I don’t think I’m meant to have all of that love and devotion stuff this lifetime, especially with all of the baggage & relatives, but I do envy those who seem to have it. One thing for sure, whatever it was, I sure as hell have had a good run of it! I’m just not cut out for all of the drama that comes with having to be obligated to all of the nooks and crannies of a full-blown ’til death do us part’ relationship. I am reminded of another friend who always said that the perfect man for her would be “a rich, sterile orphan.” Sounds good to me!
Finding the right one is
a matter of luck and timing.